说明: A new version of a professional utility package has been released, with which any user can configure their operating system in detail, in addition to this, there are also tools for its optimization, the goal of this is simple, to make it work faster and more stable. If I can count correctly, then you will get twenty-five different utilities, each of which performs certain actions, some improve performance, others simply edit hidden system parameters, and so on, from our project you can download WinUtilities .
I would like to note that all the tools are sorted by categories, for example, if you need to clear traces of being online or just remove garbage, you need to go to the appropriate section, and there will already be a list of utilities, this is certainly convenient. WinUtilities can update itself automatically, as for whether the registration will fly off or not, I can’t say, I haven’t tried it, so decide for yourself.
Let's run through the list of utilities a little: of course, you can clean your hard drive from all kinds of garbage; you can also clean the system registry, which accumulates a lot of garbage over time; there is a tool for fixing shortcuts; you can completely remove programs installed on your system; WinUtilities can also defragment hard drives; optimize RAM, freeing up more space for resource-intensive applications; you can edit the list of programs loaded at system startup; it is possible to clean all traces of your activity on the Internet; you can restore deleted files; search for duplicate files; WinUtilities can create a backup copy of the system registry; if desired, you can manage Windows add-ons.
This was a brief overview of the program's capabilities, I think you already understand how functional it is. After launching WinUtilities and selecting settings, there is a list of languages and a link that allows you to go to the site page with additional language packs, in general, I went there and could not find anything there, correct me if anything |