Profil utilisateur pourSmudger - GloDLS
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Profil utilisateur pourSmudger Verified Uploader
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Nom d'utilisateur: Smudger Verified Uploader
Rang de l\'utilisateur: Verified Uploader
Thème de l'utilisateur : Default
rejoint: 2016-03-29 14:13:14 - 8 years ago
Dernier connecté : 2023-05-31 14:13:40
Dernière visite: 1 year ago
Last Seen (Lieu): User Idle...

Informations additionnelles

Age: 95
_CLIENT_: BitTorrent
Moods: Asleep
_COUNTRY_: Portugal
Don $0.00
Avertissements: no

Statistiques réalisations
Torrents Posté: 207
Commentaires Posté: 38
Messages du forum 0
Reviews:   105  
Points de réputation Uploader : 1436
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Téléchargée Torrents

All Show/Hide Mastermix - Classic Cuts 163 - Tropical HouseDownload .torrentMagnet Download264.24 MB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide VA - New Album Releases 6th September 2019 (MP3 - 320kb...Download .torrentMagnet Download8.48 GB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide Atlantis Vol 1Download .torrentMagnet Download147.07 MB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide Battle of the Blues Chicago vs OaklandDownload .torrentMagnet Download129.65 MB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide Chill Nation Deep Lounge MusicDownload .torrentMagnet Download196.95 MB 0 1 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide Burst Of EmotionDownload .torrentMagnet Download1.31 GB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth
All Show/Hide Best Of Caribbean MusicDownload .torrentMagnet Download142.98 MB 0 0 Smudger Verified Uploaderhealth

Profil mur commentaires

[Report] Posted: 26-10-2018 at 15:54:53

I hope that you will start uploading again very soon. I really like your friday torrent. Discovered a lot of great music that I otherwise probably never would have discovered.

[Report] Posted: 28-10-2018 at 20:13:37
His Lordship
Here Here, Always Fantastic uploads, Can't understand where his uploads are going when other peoples are showing up... Hope it doesn't put Him off as I have never seen his torrents anywhere else

[Report] Posted: 28-10-2018 at 21:19:28
The same this side.... Uploads always fantastic.... Hope he will come back!!!

[Report] Posted: 29-10-2018 at 20:38:47
His Lordship
From what I understand It's all a glitch on the server that has caused his uploads to disappear..... It was going to be sorted, Can't believe it's not sorted yet, If he decides to go elsewhere I feel a lot of people would move with him and Glo will lose out.... It's such a shame

[Report] Posted: 08-11-2018 at 19:02:30
sacot1 Verified UploaderMusic Lover

Glo is not the only site to have this problem with their servers i have at least 1 other site i use that has been hit just recently so im expecting others to get the same problems.I'm sure they are doing their best but i doubt that any of the missing torrents will return unless we re-upload them ourselves.
You'll notice all mine are recent too since everything went during the "GLITCH"or more likely some hacker virus attack.

[Report] Posted: 16-11-2018 at 10:47:34
Hopefully Smudger is back soon. The Friday Album releases are fantastic and I for one would miss them. Great work

[Report] Posted: 16-11-2018 at 16:57:22
His Lordship
If only they could sort out the issues with why his torrents are disappearing when a lot of the others are always still there. For example _.:=iTake=:._ has over 300,000 uploads, and all still there! So if it was a site wide thing I could understand it. Smudgers torrents have disappeared at least 4 times Since September. It must be disheartening after all the work he puts in!.  I'm wondering is it Torrents over a certain size? as Hunter's are also still online and his are mainly Single albums.  Is it a glitch or a virus??

[Report] Posted: 22-12-2018 at 18:25:48

I was hoping smudger would come back but I fear for the worst. Does anybody have any suggestions for where I could find the same kind of uploads that smudger provided?

[Report] Posted: 14-01-2019 at 17:37:47

Are you ever expecting to come back?
I realy miss your torrents.

[Report] Posted: 13-10-2019 at 18:24:30

Hello Smudger, I love your torrents thanks but I have one observation.. some albums that have a lot of tracks or have very long tracks fail to play.. this suggests the pc encoding the tracks has a lack of memory. the best and fastest way to check this is to play the track and move the slider close to the end of the track if the track finished its fine if it skips straight to the next track it's no good. please reply to me if you would like me to be more specific about individual tracks. Tim. Otherwise your posts are fantastic. I'd like you to be the best. Tim.