_DESCRIPTION_: Iperius Backup is a program for backing up and restoring folders and files from a computer, it is possible to synchronize disks and other devices. Among the capabilities, it is worth noting support for ZIP compression, file encryption, support for sending an email message about backup, an advanced scheduler, automatic shutdown of the computer after the backup is completed. Externally, the program looks good, there are enough settings, the capabilities are also, I hope the tool will be useful to you!
This program has literally everything you could want from a backup tool. You can choose exactly where, when, how... you want to create backups. You
are not limited to choosing local backups, you have the ability to backup from FTP, disk cloning, and specially designed options for backing up SQL server or ORACLE-type systems.
As for destinations, you can create backups to the cloud, FTP, local disk, or external storage. Scheduling can be as detailed as you want, but what really makes this program one of the best are the options you get for handling backups.
Those who are interested can already download Iperius Backup for free, in the archive with the installation file, there is a treatment, use it, get a license, enjoy!
You can exclude or include system files with one click of a button
You can easily change the level of detail of logs and specific event triggers that can notify you if something goes wrong.
The program has file compression, incremental backup, you can choose file revision history, full backup and even run another program as soon as the backup is finished or right before it starts.
The application uses virtually no system resources, even if left running 24/7 for real-time backup.
When an error occurs, the logs are as complete as possible, allowing you to pinpoint which file caused the problem or what errors the program encountered |