说明: C.W. Mccall (Singer)

Birth Name: Billy Dale Fries
Profil: C.W. McCall was a character created by musician Billy Dale, for his advertising agency. The character was created for and first appeared in a commercial for Old Home Bread. Then he teamed up with Chip Davis, later to be famous for Mannheim Steamroller, to create a smash hit in the 70's with their CB-Trucker song, Convoy .born 15 November 1928 (age 92 years), Audubon, Iowa, United States.
Album Title: C.W. Mccall - The Real McCall An American Storyteller
Genre: Folk, World, & Country
Stil: Country
Released : 1990
Land: USA
Format: MP3 256kbp/s

01. Comin' Back For More 3:54
02. Ghost Town 4:01
03. Glenwood Canyon 3:29
04. There Won't Be No Country Music 3:51
05. Roy 0:42
06. The Little Brown Sparrow 4:35
07. Wilderness 3:21
08. Aurora Borealis 4:35
09. The Silverton 3:53
10. Wolf Creek Pass 4:01
11. Night Rider 2:36
12. Rocky Mountain September 3:41
13. Black Bear Road 2:10
14. Camp Bird Mine 3:35
15. Convoy 3:53
16. Columbine 5:07