Coronation Street : 28th January 1963
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 28th January 1963
Season: 4
Episode Nr: 9
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Jed is down about the failure of the market stall and Minnie tries to cheer him up. Sheila calls round for her wages and is not put off by his offers of monthly salary or payment in merchandise. He has no option but to hand over cash. Emily tells Doreen that she\'s the one who\'s been sacked and she feels bitter about it. Doreen snubs Swindley when he comes in and Emily snaps at him when she\'s serving Harry. Concepta thinks Harry has changed his mind about giving in his notice and Annie claims the credit for the talking-to that Jack gave him and Len. '
Air Date 0000-00-00

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