FBI : American Idol
Show: FBI
Episode Name: American Idol
Season: 2
Episode Nr: 3
Guest Stars '|Carmen Lamar Gonzalez|Cindy Cheung|Fernando Funan Chien|Greg Brostrom|Guy Lockard|Jacob Knoll|James Chen|Jennifer Blood|John Boyd|Max Wolkowitz|Meeya Davis|Nicholas Baroudi|Paul Hickert|Richard Andrew Torres|Sarah Nina Hayon|Sasha Alexander|Terron Jones|'
Overview 'After a front-running female presidential candidate, Valerie Caldwell, is targeted with a car bomb, OA and Maggie must hurry to track down the bomber before they strike again. The case leads them to wonder whether this person is targeting Caldwell for her political aspirations or something else.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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