Chicago Fire : Always a Catch
Show: Chicago Fire
Episode Name: Always a Catch
Season: 7
Episode Nr: 9
Guest Stars '|Annie Hogan|Anthony Ferraris|Ariane Rinhart|Colin Egglesfield|Daniel Kyri|Daniel Patrick Sullivan|Darren Hill|Ezekiel Ruiz|Ilyssa Fradin|Jim Fierro|Kate Villanova|Kelsey Phillips|Kristen Gutoskie|Kyle Hillman|Mark Denny|Michael Aaron Pogue|Mike Hanley|Molly McQueen|Randy Flagler|Ruby Dalton|Suellen Burton|Teddy Sears|Tye White|'
Overview 'Stakes are high when a massive car pile-up on the freeway impacts someone dear to the firehouse family. Brett and Foster encounter a harrowing call while Kidd and Severide find their relationship being tested.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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