Coronation Street : 10 December 1990
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 10 December 1990
Season: 31
Episode Nr: 147
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Des spends the night on the Webster\'s sofa, to teach Steph a lesson. Steph refuses to give up the job so Des packs and leaves for the night. Mike worries about what Ivy will say to the workers. Ivy assures Mike she won\'t tell anyone. However, Mike is embarrassed when Jackie mentions their affair in front of his secretary Amanda. Jackie tells Mike she\'s not going to share him with Alma, but he tells her he runs his own life. Don pays Marie\'s gas bill whenthe board tries to cut her off. Marie tells Don she will sleep with him if hewants, but he tells her he doesn\'t want anything from her. '
Air Date 0000-00-00

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