Coronation Street : 30 May 1990
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 30 May 1990
Season: 31
Episode Nr: 64
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Mavis tells Kevin the girls threw him out. Flick apologies to Mark for throwing him out, she is horrified when he asks her out on a date, but Mark corners her into accepting a date. Tracy tells Deirdre she doesn\'t want to live with Dave. Tracy tells Ken that Deirdre is selling up and moving in with Dave. She asks if she can move in with him. Mavis is cool toward Derek, but they make-up agreeing that Mavis has sexual urges which should not be suppressed. Do agrees to let Ivy go to work. Ivy tells Vera she\'s thinking of applying for the job of supervisor at Ingrams.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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