Overview |
'Jenny agrees to help Gail out at the cafe but Rita refuses to let her; she doesn\'t want her going anywhere near Martin. Hilda confronts the lads and Sally and demands to know what\'s been going on. Terry swears that he doesn\'t know anything about the break-in. Martin is discharged from hospital. Rita rows with him for wrecking her car and nearly killing Jenny. She tells him to stay out of Jenny\'s life. Jenny is upset. Alf decides to inform the Police about finding the box. Hilda is upset that she\'s involved. Martin calls on Jenny in secret. She wants to continue seeing him but he thinks that she\'s too much trouble. She convinces him that they have to see each other until the Police stop their enquiries. Kevin hates seeing Hilda worried and tells Terry that he has to do something; for Hilda\'s sake. Terry tells Alf he broke into the shop. He apologises and tells him that he was drunk and says he\'ll pay for all the damage. Alf still feels the Police should be brought in. ' |