Chicago Fire : Nazdarovya!
Show: Chicago Fire
Episode Name: Nazdarovya!
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 15
Guest Stars '|Brady Tutton|Elizabeth Murphy|Eric Lane|Jeff Dumas|Jennie Moreau|Jesse Marx|Molly Pan|Morocco Omari|Rachel Cerda|Randy Flagler|Ruby Kaye|Thomas Gaitsch|William Dick|William Smillie|'
Overview 'Dawson attempts to help her brother Antonio unravel the details of his drugs-and-gang investigation, and goes behind his back in turning to an unlikely source for assistance. Casey and his mother, Nancy struggle with their new relationship. Meanwhile, as a favor to Lieutenant Whaley, Severide visits someone important from his past, while Herrmann and Otis learn some hard truths about their \"silent partner\" in the bar.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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