Coronation Street : Monday, 6th July 1987
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Monday, 6th July 1987
Season: 28
Episode Nr: 53
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Mike\'s neon sign for the \"Factory Shop\" flashes on and off all night keeping the residents awake. Nicky becomes homesick. Jeff Singleton thinks Gail should contact the police so they can be at the Services but Gail doesn\'t want to upset Nicky by having the police arrest Brian. Percy complains to Deirdre about Mike\'s sign. Deirdre discovers Mike needed Council permission to put the sign up. Betty gets sick of Alec watching her every time she goes near the till. She walks out, telling Alec she\'s had enough of him. Alan takes Gail to the services. Brian arrives but when he sees Gail he runs away. She races after him, seeing Nicky in the van but Brian drives off.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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