Hawaii Five-O : Which Way Did They Go?
Show: Hawaii Five-O
Episode Name: Which Way Did They Go?
Season: 2
Episode Nr: 14
Guest Stars '|Bill Howe|Bob Gleason|Darrah Lau|Derek Mau Jr.|Don Mundell|Gayle Higa|Harry Endo|Henry S. C. Young|Jackie Coogan|Jeff Burnside|Phillip Pine|Robert Harker|William Windom|'
Overview 'A career criminal, Connors, fools McGarrett and the team into protecting the wrong bank, and robs a nearby one, taking the wife of the manager hostage. Things turn ugly when one of his goons assaults and murders her. McGarrett must race to capture Connors before he can do any more damage.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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