Description: Desksoft Earthview

If you are one of those people who is not satisfied with a static wallpaper and who is also looking to make their desktop look beautiful at all times, you can try EarthView.
Once you complete the installation process, you can choose the type of viewpoint you prefer: a static one, the view from the Sun, a random camera position or a user-defined camera path. Alternatively, you can download extra maps from the app's home website if you are not fully satisfied with the built-in seasonal one.
You can also switch the projection type from the map to the Globe, whereas the update interval can be customized as you see fit.
Another great feature of EarthView is that you can alter the parameters for each supported view, such as day or night views, clouds, background or cities.
This application makes it easy for you to make one or more locations always visible on your wallpaper, along with the current date and time for each one. The font type, color and size used for displaying the info for each city can be altered as well.
Another way to use EarthView is to set it as your default screensaver. You can define the update frequency and when it should be activated, once an idle period is detected.
The application can be configured to run at Windows startup, so you do not need to manually launch it and view the map. Nonetheless, if you are interested in weather details, you need to enter your personal API key first.
No matter if you choose to use it as a dynamic wallpaper or as your go-to screensaver, EarthView can certainly make your PC stand out, while also displaying an accurate map with real-time updates.